This interface defines the fields required to initialize a vector store These are the fields part of config:

interface CouchbaseVectorStoreArgs {
    bucketName: string;
    cluster: Cluster;
    collectionName: string;
    indexName: string;
    scopeName: string;
    addVectorOptions?: AddVectorOptions;
    embeddingKey?: string;
    scopedIndex?: boolean;
    textKey?: string;


bucketName: string

The name of the bucket in the Couchbase cluster.

cluster: Cluster

The Couchbase cluster that the store will interact with.

collectionName: string

The name of the collection within the scope.

indexName: string

The name of the index to be used for vector search.

scopeName: string

The name of the scope within the bucket.

addVectorOptions?: AddVectorOptions

Options for adding vectors with specific id/metadata

embeddingKey?: string

The key to be used for embeddings in the documents. Defaults to "embedding".

scopedIndex?: boolean

Whether to use a scoped index for vector search. Defaults to true.

textKey?: string

The key to be used for text in the documents. Defaults to "text".
